哥 改的是一個傳說 LSx Turbo Lancer EVO
Amazon.com: iPad vs. Kindle Fire vs. Galaxy Tab vs. Other Tablets and e-Readers圖片來源:Engine Swap Depot 會選擇EVO的車主大概可以分成兩種,第一種:熱愛那高剛性的車體與底盤帶來的極致操控快感,享受那每每轉動方向盤帶來的無比爽度,第二種:看上那具鑄鐵四汽缸增壓引擎與全時四輪傳動系統,原廠280ps的基礎下,只要有錢這具4G63引擎,一路改上破千匹通通都沒有問The list author says: "To address the demand for tablets smaller than 10 inches, Apple has finally brought to market an 8" (7.95") tablet, called the iPad Mini. Also available in white, it has a look and feel much like the latest ......