催不壞的500匹式樣Subaru Impreza GRB
Boeing Dreamlifter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia圖片來源:Web Option 很多鯊魚車主都恨怕引擎壞掉,因此選擇最基礎的提高增壓值就好,不過實際上,很多鯊魚在提高增壓值後反倒造成排壓過高,而更換大一點渦輪後反倒是變得不容壞掉。Cs-marche的石田先生希望大家能了解,改裝並不等於硬來,而是要順著每輛車的特性去走。 所有的渦輪引擎皆是如此The Boeing 747 Dreamlifter (formerly Large Cargo Freighter or LCF) is a wide-body cargo aircraft. Cargo is placed in the aircraft by the world's longest cargo loader.[1][2][3] It is an extensively modified Boeing 747-400 and is used exclusively for transp...