GeForce GTX 770 vs 760 - GPUBoss 翻攝toyokeizai,示意圖 中國陜西石泉縣一名婦人謝習平,長年照顧因傷臥床的老公涂習漢。原來2002年時,涂習漢被礦道頂上落下的大石攔腰砸中,腰椎12-14節粉碎性骨折,雖然領到4萬元人民幣的賠償,但此後終身癱瘓,「我腰部以下沒有任何知覺,大小便失禁。每天吃得清淡,我自己控制著We put the 1 GHz Nvidia 770 to the test against the 980 MHz 760 to find out which you should buy. ... i WOULD SAY its more of stable hardware. It cant be just fps it has various factors including future games demanding more of features need a stable hardw...