7d firmware hack

7D support - Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki 世界各地在不同的街頭或公園都可以看到一些銅像藝術作品,有的是紀念當地的歷史,有的是美化都市的容貌,但有的就真的是意義不明了,也許就是因為讓人猜不透才是藝術家成功的地方吧,接下來就來看看幾張世界各地選出來的詭異銅像精選,看看大家是否能看得出藝術家內心像表達的世界吧! ▼詭異的笑容 ▼你的下半身呢!?How to install Magic Lantern with Dual ISO on Canon 7D Edit You have to follow these steps in order to try the Audionut ML build and the dual iso module: Download and process required firmware files Enable bootflag on 7D using EOS Utility Install Magic La...


Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki 閨蜜分手了,找我大哭。 問其原因。 她說,男朋友嫌我緊,和我分手了。 我目瞪口呆,大呼臥槽。 我說,我只聽說因為鬆而分手,沒想到緊都不對啊! 她說,男朋友說他和鬆的女生做更持久,和我做堅持不了三分鐘。沒有做男人的存在感和征服感。 我再次目瞪口呆。真是什麼樣的分手理由都有啊。 你說有沒有女生是因為男The Magic Lantern Firmware is Free Software that adds cinematography features to the Canon 5D Mark II. ... 7D being reverse engineered Check the nightly builds page - if your camera is listed there, it already works. If your camera is not listed on the ni...


DIGIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (示意圖,泰國電影母侵劇照) 網友tygacil在批踢踢笨版PO文: [恍神] 5555555555 (笨點微弱,純粹想分享發揚光大555555) 話說在很久以前,因緣際會下認識了一個泰國朋友 那時原PO高中,他是大學生我們就用很破的英文來溝通  原PO是個很念舊的人,所以那時候的MSNDigital Imaging Integrated Circuit is Canon Inc.'s name for a family of signal processing and control units for digital cameras and camcorders. DIGIC units are used as image processors by Canon in its own digital imagery products. Several generations of D...


Firmware hack Rebel XTi /400D enables ISO 3200, Spot metering! -- Canon EOS Digital Cameras in photo 網友kinkl在批踢踢笨版PO文: [大哭] 這麼沒存在感嗎?? 最近又到了國高中段考的期間 很多老師都陷入考卷地獄 每個人都在比看誰要出比較多份...囧 圓(編按:應為原)PO也不例外 某天下午放學 想說一鼓作氣卯起來把所有考卷出完再回家 當時辦公室內還有另外兩位老師在聊天 相關位置如下 那兩位Firmware hack Rebel XTi /400D enables ISO 3200, Spot metering! in Canon EOS Digital Cameras ... THIS IS UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME! Guys at CHDK made it again! (Thanks thaibv and foldsea @ CHDK!!!) A firmware hack for Rebel XTi / 400D that enables ......


Magic Lantern - Official Site娛樂圈明星們都十分注意自己的形象。但總有一些意外的,或驚或喜的突發事情,令舞台上的明星露出誇張表情。下面讓我們一起看看男神女神們少見的一面。 圖文來源Magic Lantern is a free firmware addon for Canon EOS DSLR cameras that adds a host of features to assist photographers and videographers. Unlock your Canon DSLR. ... What is it? Magic Lantern is a free software add-on that runs from the SD/CF card and add...


Nikon Dead Battery Syndrome (DBS ) fix, firmware, deoxit, and battery shiv - YouTube 一名火辣的女模,如果下半身裸體走在街上,你覺得會有多少人發現呢,答案是只有一名。整人網路團體 Model Pranksters,作出整人大實驗,將女模下半身以人體彩繪方式畫出國王的牛仔褲,維妙維肖的將鉚釘、破壞處以及皺摺重現,並大逛紐約街頭甚至是近距離的搭地鐵,結果居然沒人發現,最後僅有This is a solution to the Nikon dead battery syndrome (DBS). DBS has reportedly occurred on the Nikon D200, D300, D80 and D90. In this video I fix the DBS on a Nikon D200, however the solutions will work on any of the cameras and are extremely minimally i...
