The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview如果要讚美一個女人,通常會由外貌開始,如果外貌無甚特別,才會稱讚其他部分,如果說人的相貌可以分等級,那麼,以女生為例,對不同等級的評論可以如下:第一級----美第二級----迷人第三級----漂亮第四級----有氣質第五級----有味道第六級----可愛第七級----白白淨淨第八級----討人喜歡第The Eight Limbs, The Core of Yoga by William J.D. Doran The practice of yoga is an art and science dedicated to creating union between body, mind and spirit. Its objective is to assist the practitioner in using the breath and body to ......