8 bit and 16 bit in Digital Imaging - Photoshop Tutorials for Fast Learning 古人的智慧一點也不亞於現代人,因為很多理所當然被認為是現代產物的發明,其實在幾千年以前的古代社會就已經出現並為人所使用。而由於製造這些發明所需要的科技複雜詭異,直到19世紀-20世紀才廣為人知。下面,為大家搜羅古人使用過的10大“現代發明”。 1. 公元前2What do '8 bit' and '16 bit' mean and what difference does it make? Here are some answers. ... If another adjustment is made later, more information will be permanently lost. If the changes are large enough, image quality will suffer and the image can sta...