Code Library - 8052.com 剛經歷的可以瘋狂玩鬧的萬聖節,各位昨天有盡興享受這奇特的節慶氛圍嗎?不管是來一場「萬獸趴踢」或跟三五好友去有提供萬聖節主題的餐廳好好吃一頓,應該都少不了細心打扮一番,但編輯每年看到的打扮都覺得好類似,偶然看到這些「復古萬聖趴」覺得更有另一種陰森的味道~各位有沒有體會到照片中傳達的詭異氣If you have code, hardware, or 8052-related applications that you believe would be of interest to other 8052 developers and you'd like to share it please submit it here. You will receive full credit for the code you submit and will be able to update or de...