7張「未滿18絕對看不懂」的超現實黑暗插圖 4 原來現實中的人類都對動漫女主角做出......
iPhone 4S 8MP camera hands on | iMore - iMore | The #1 site for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all things Ap ▲讓人不敢直視的超現實黑暗插畫。(source : deviantart,下同) 大家好我是皮耶編,在這個社會中總是有許多不敢明言的社會現象,因為大家可能都不自覺地深陷其中,說出來可能也會讓自己羞愧不已。根據deviantart分享報導,今天要來介紹一位土耳其的藝術家berk &ouOne of the new features of the iPhone 4S is an 8 megapixel camera equipped with a fast f/2.4 lens. Without question, this was the feature I was most excited about, and I almost immediately started snapping pics. For sample photos and a summary of my thoug...