Porsche 911 S Targa (1967) : 911 Motorsport.be 1961年夏天, 美國洛杉磯西方學院大學二年級的Janice Rude,正在學校餐廳里打工。 她的家庭並不富裕,能夠在這所昂貴的私立學校念書似乎已經花光了全家所有的財力。 所以她只能在學校餐廳再找一份工作,每天端盤子供應食物來賺取微薄的薪水,不過由於她手腳勤快,為人討喜,This particular 911 S Soft Window came off the production line on June 23 of 1967 (according to the Certificate of Authenticity issued by Porsche). In 1967, Porsche introduced the S version of the 911, as well as the soft window Targa body style, which at...