Porsche 911 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lexus 推出全新的NX 概念休旅車,針對對手車廠BMW X1以及BENZ GLA車款,大膽的設計美學以許多銳利的角度組成,LED大燈和尾燈的未來感設計,也是特色之一,內裝則有奢華的皮革、金屬或木質裝飾交織而成,動力則是2.0升渦輪增壓四缸引擎,是Lexus 品牌車當中最強等The Porsche 911 (pronounced Nine Eleven or German: Neunelf) is the flagship of the current line up of Porsche. It is a two-door, high performance sports car made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design, rear-engined and with indep...


9-1-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 地表上很少有一台汽車,可以是許多大朋友們心目中的夢幻大馬力肌肉車,那就是代表美國精神的福特野馬。今年福特車廠為了慶祝它的50週年紀念,特別打造全新50週年2015野馬紀念版車款,全球限量1964輛、超級帥氣。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,9-1-1 is the emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), one of eight N11 codes. This number is intended for use in emergency circumstances only, and to use it for any other purpose (including non-emergency situations[citation...


#911 - 911Tabs - tabs search engine // 4,600,000 tabs. Guitar, bass, drums, pDIESEL 近日發布了一系列“Hi-Jack”摩托車頭盔。基於直升機飛行員的頭盔設計,設計師將防刮面罩和可拆洗內襯也加入其中,在保證安全的前提下也兼顧到潮流的外觀,目前這一系列頭盔提供了黑、白、綠、橙等7 個配色可選,在設計細節上也各有不同。 目前該系列已上架DIESEL Take a selfie with guitar or with 911tabs.com in the background. Upload it to Facebook, Twitter or Google+ using #911selfie hashtag. Best pictures will appear on our main page. 911admin Share with Author 0 votes It rocks! #911 selfie @BaptMahieux 0 Guitar...


911 - 相關圖片搜尋結果 瑪莎拉蒂Maserati 推出全新車款、GranTurismo MC百年紀念版車型,並將在2014年紐約車展當中正式發表,仔細看這兩款車,都有其獨特的烤漆、輪圈設計,強大動力來自4.7升V8引擎,酷炫的華麗外型讓人愛不釋手。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉...


The new Porsche 911. - Official Porsche Website - Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG阿斯頓·馬丁(Aston Martin)將在本週紐約車展上帶來新款V8 Vantage GT 系列跑車。它被視為早前在日內瓦車展亮相的Vantage N430 的北美版,並且首次嘗試推出敞篷版本。V8 Vantage GT 搭載的4.7 升V8 發動機,最大可輸出430 匹馬力,並提供Few vehicles stir more passion for pure sports car performance than the iconic 911. With the introduction of the 2012 Porsche 911, that passion is only growing. Watch videos and learn more about the new 911 at porscheusa.com/911....
