Tesla to allow iPhone to start Model S without key/fobs with v6.0 update | 9to5Mac 你肯定想不到,中國神話小說中的主角孫悟空,竟然跟日本女星蒼井空“扯上”了!他倆之間的“關係”,源於騰訊視頻《怪話》的街問:孫悟空與蒼井空的相似之處在哪裡?於是,見多識廣的街友們給出了神答复。 1、名字都有“空” 2、都是&ldTesla Motors, known for changing the automobile industry with its innovative electric cars, will update its Model S firmware in the coming months to allow owners to start and drive the Model S with only an iPhone. While it isn’t yet exactly certain how th...