Asus Vivobook

Notebooks & Ultrabooks - ASUS VivoBook S200E .........  大哥的皮在這......................... .............................>ASUS VivoBook embodies the spirit of TOUCH to maximize intuitive Windows 8 computing. ... User- Centric Innovations Larger, accurate, and greatly more intuitive with a wider range of gestures detected for true touch fidelity on touchpads....


ASUS S400CA VivoBook i5-3317 SSD急速觸控樂活機【時尚黑】 - Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 把本人的特色都表現出來了這些畫家真厲害!ASUS S400CA VivoBook i5-3317 SSD急速觸控樂活機【時尚黑】 建議售價 $27,900 $ 22,900 30 期 0 利率 每期 763 元起 分期表 分期數 每期金額 配合銀行 3 期 0利率 $ 7633 花旗(台灣)等 29家 6 期 0利率 $ 3816 遠東等 29家 18 期 0利率 ......


ASUS VivoBook 神之物 我們必須這樣膜拜著! @@Sleek and light, ASUS VivoBook uses textured metal for premium elegance, SonicMaster audio resonates with powerfully clear sound, and highly responsive multi-touch screens offer superb interaction. ... At ASUS we always start with people. We put what peop...


ASUS VivoBook - Transform Your Expectations 哥哥你幹嘛啊! 喔... 原來是手哦...The ASUS VivoBook Series transforms your expectations on everyday notebook computing, thanks to a responsive HD touchscreen that lets you tap, swipe and pinch to zoom just like a tablet.The ASUS VivoBook Series transforms your expectations on everyday ......


Asus VivoBook S400 評測:搭 Windows 8 的觸控 Ultrabook | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 媽!我可以不要再去動物園了嗎?!在 Asus 推出一系列的 Windows 8 新機裡,VivoBook 為全新的產品線,將「觸控」的元素帶入筆電裡。當中,VivoBook S400 主打平價的 Ultrabook,搭載低電壓處理器,配上不同硬碟與 SSD 的組合,且機身厚度保持在 Intel 規範的 21mm 裡,此外,價格也很 ......


ASUS Q200E-BSI3T08 11.6-Inch Touchscreen Laptop (2013) - Amazon HAHA~你們太色囉!view larger Everyday computing, now with TOUCH - ASUS Vivobook Q200 Series Whether you're playing catch-up at work or just enjoying a casual afternoon at the local coffee shop, the ASUS Vivobook Q200 is made to enhance your everyday computing experience....
