Marvel.com: The Official Site | Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, X-Men, Wolverine and the heroes of the M一個縣長因被免職後氣成了植物人,被送到醫院。醫生說:“給他念個官復原職的通知也許就好了。” 其妻想,既然要念,乾脆念個市長,讓他高興高興。哪知念過之後這位縣長挺身而起,大笑氣絕。醫生嘆息說:“不遵醫囑,擅自加大劑量啊!” 生和死只是一線只差,有些人用慾Enter Marvel.com, the best place to connect with other fans and get news about comics' greatest super-heroes: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, the X-Men, and more. Enter Marvel.com, the best place to connect with other fans and get news about comics'...