A Course In Miracles - Foundation for Inner Peace 來源/國館(ID:guoguan5000) 本文由「135編輯器」提供技術支持 亂世,掩蓋不了他蓋世的才華。 或許有時候會不知所措,縱然幾度沉淪,但他的靈魂依然乾淨若處子。 0.1 「春雨樓頭尺八簫,何時歸看浙江潮? 芒鞋破缽無人識,踏過櫻花第Website of the original organization appointed by the scribe, Dr. Helen Schucman, to publish and distribute the only authorized manuscript of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual thought system that teaches the way to Universal Love through Forgiv...