肯伊威斯特 Kanye West 豪宅回顧!「洛杉磯」兩棟巨宅住家,一次看透!
Grand Lodge of Connecticut - Official Site美國饒舌音樂界,財富、才華唯一與Jay Z不相伯仲,他就是Kanye West(肯伊威斯特)!以饒舌音樂起家,後續更涉略時裝設計、藝術創作,在時裝界的也擁有關注度,同時在商界也具有知名度,廣泛且多觸角發展的身分,也讓他獲利可觀!因此讓許多人好奇Kanye住家裝潢是否奢華、是否巨大、是否有設計感,其實Welcome to the Grand Lodge of Connecticut Website! The Grand Lodge of Connecticut welcomes you to its web portal. We intend to have up-to-date information by providing a dynamic setting for information, news, and announcements. We welcome your input....