Tom Jones - She's a Lady - YouTube 先前隨著石油逐漸短少,在供不應求的情況下,石油價格不斷向上攀昇,高油耗車款也受到環保人士的抨擊,但美國則開採出豐富的頁岩油,對此OPEC石油輸出國家組織為了不讓自身失去優勢,則增加油量產量並讓價格持續下探,因此導致近期國際原油價格不斷下跌。儘管美國現擁有大量頁岩油儲存量,但終究會有枯竭的一天,為了The year is 1974,the month is february, the day is 15,and Tom Jones is in concert I didn't made this, and i don't own the copyrights, but I actually "performed" this song once in front of my class. Needless to say that the results were miles away from bei...