a leopard cannot change its spots

Amazon.com: Mac OS X version 10.6.3 Snow Leopard (Mac computer with an Intel processor required)從小爸媽叫告訴我們說話要文雅,不可以罵髒話。尤其對女孩子來說,不只是髒話,甚至一些比較粗俗的字眼也不可以隨便說出口。到學校老師也會告訴我們,有話好好說,不要出口成「髒」。久而久之,我們就養成了對於髒話既敏感又負面的想法。不過,你知道其實偶而髒話脫口出,其實並無傷大雅,甚至好處多多嗎?根據國外研究,人Mac OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard, a simpler, more powerful, and more refined version of Mac OS X. It delivers a wide range of enhancements, next-generation technologies, out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange Server, and new accessibility features. It'...


changes - definition of changes by The Free Dictionary 「天這麼黑,風這麼大,爸爸捕魚去,為什麼還不回家?」如果你沒聽過這句話,這些圖片會帶你認識你學長姐們曾讀過的教科書。不過如果這句話對你來說耳熟能詳…就等著落淚吧!     這是1999年以前,由國立編譯館所編製的教科書,如果你的記憶不錯,可能會記得有一兩個不好笑的change (chānj) v. changed, chang·ing, chang·es v.tr. 1. a. To cause to be different: change the spelling of a word. b. To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform: changed the yard into a garden. 2. To give and receive reciprocally; in...


Diabetes Basics | UW Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Seattle恐懼症通常是由於“外部事件(也就是創傷性事件)和內部傾向(即遺傳和基因因素)共同作用”所導致的。 患有恐懼症者在遇到相關境況是常常會出現一些症狀,如:喘息、心跳技術、氣急、出汗和噁心等等。 但是有些恐懼症的恐懼物件只是很稀疏平常的日常物件,這些奇怪的恐懼症也許大家也略知一二。Basics of diabetes Diabetes is a condition caused by lack of a chemical in the body (a hormone) called insulin. There are two major forms of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes eventually no insulin is produced and individuals require insulin injections for surv...
