英國車廠 MINI 展示 Clubman 概念車款
Plus One | English Blog-A webspace 4 Kerala Syllabus English Teachers and Students 日內瓦車展上各家車廠紛紛使出渾身解數,英國製造商MINI 也展示了最新概念車款 Clubman,設計出更多的內部空間,另外還包括在外部進氣格柵和特色的六門掀背車空氣動力學車體,內裝更以智能設備取勝。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,Dear Rahm, I believe that all the chapters from the Plus One and Plus Two English text books have been added in their respective pages. (If you find any chapter missing please bring it into notice.) Materials from the internet or from teachers have been a...