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Oprah's Natural Hair on O Magazine September 2012 – Oprah's Real Hair 小編一上車就睡覺了,難怪沒有這種浪漫的豔遇 -------------------------------------Dcard原文:火車讓位也可以交到閃光...之前搭火車回家車上還蠻多人的還好我有訂車票不然一定站到死後來到了台中站我看到一個女生上車她矮矮的很小隻長得蠻可愛的拿著大包For the first time ever, Oprah's appearing on the cover of O without blow-drying or straightening her hair. ... Every month our beauty department in-box fills up with e-mail from readers struggling with some aspect of their appearance. But none of the mai...