a s雜誌

Oprah's Natural Hair on O Magazine September 2012 – Oprah's Real Hair 好久沒有再次遇到「人生勝利組」這樣的話題了,小弟突然覺得原來踢球是一條出路喔XDD!說到正題,一直都有留意的正妹林詩枝,不光是馬來西亞華裔小姐亞軍這麼簡單,無意中在神貓大神《這是一篇超級OP衝擊深夜文》那了解到,原來她也算是人生勝利組,她妹妹還是媽媽,總之一家人都很優,真的太感謝神貓了,下面我們馬For the first time ever, Oprah's appearing on the cover of O without blow-drying or straightening her hair. ... Every month our beauty department in-box fills up with e-mail from readers struggling with some aspect of their appearance. But none of the mai...


Yes! - Official Site 好久沒有再次遇到「人生勝利組」這樣的話題了,記得之前的那個越南梅西嗎?說到正題,一直都有留意的正妹林詩枝,不光是馬來西亞華裔小姐亞軍這麼簡單,無意中在神貓大神《這是一篇超級OP衝擊深夜文》那瞭解到,原來她也算是人生勝利組,她妹妹還是媽媽,總之一家人都很優,真的太感謝神貓了,下面我們馬上來鑑定一下吧400,000 Harry Potter Fans—and J.K. Rowling—Just Won a Deal to Get Child Labor Out of Chocolate Harry Potter stood up for his world's most vulnerable people. Now, legions of real-world kids are too—by demanding Fair Trade certification for products sold in...


Taki's Magazine - Official Site 與另一半維持良好的性愛關係可不只是一種純粹的身體純粹享受,性愛對人體的可說是有許多不容忽視的健康好處,許多人卻因為沉重的工作量與充滿壓力的生活往往在夜裡只想抱著Mac和零食。但說實話,性愛實際上可以讓你減輕很多壓力。接下來我們就來看看它能帶來什麼樣的健康的益處。 1. 更健康的免疫系統。 常常被流RADIO DERB When the Kapok Tree Blooms by John Derbyshire The Reverend Al Sharpton is off on a trip to Blighty to address the Oxford Union and members of parliament. ... Oscar Mania Hollywood Sniper by Steve Sailer Clint Eastwood’s Iraq war drama ......


Women's Health Magazine: Latest Life Stories of Women | Women's Health Magazine 這一切都是我的幻覺!~~~ 看起來像高中生啊!~~果然女生打扮起來就是不一樣!!~ Check out the latest life stories of women and popular celebs on how to stay healthy and de-stress yourself. Balance your work and life, stay calm and have the best year ever....
