a time for us

Is Sitting Killing Me? - TIME | Current & Breaking News | National & World Updates美洲豹的意念,除了於形體層面展現於Jaguar品牌的獨眾美感外,更以賽道上卓越速度,體現這頭猛獸的震撼力道,也因魅型與武力的雙重力量,讓Jaguar品牌韻味更具層次。力與美的結合,Jaguar當之無愧。提及Jaguar,很多人會對其美型美款讚賞不已,但其渾身肌力散發的魅力,絕對不僅有視覺意念的傳達而You’ve already heard that sitting is the new smoking. Now, scientists reveal exactly how it hurts the body—and novel ways to undo the damage (without clocking hours at the gym). You might want to stand up for this. We like to think we’re a stand-up specie...


14 Things Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima Told Us改裝BMW的專門品牌Hamann推出新作品,這次是以BMW X5 F15為基礎打造Completed Car。首先是外觀部分,全新前保桿總成包含LED日行燈與霧燈,下擾流板則是可依照需求選擇玻璃纖維或是碳纖維材質,另外像是車身側裙、兩片式後上擾流板等,算是Hamann BMW X5 F15發表的重點New Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima spoke exclusively to TIME about the company’s future, including what Nintendo’s new fellowship roles entail, why (contrary to reports) he never said the Wii U would be a failure, what Nintendo Account and My Ninten...


Home - Prime Time Timing儘管VW已宣布推出400hp的Golf R車型,不過Oettinger反倒是使用300hp的Golf R來改裝升級,得到與限量車型相同的400hp最大馬力。   Oettinger為這具2.0 TFSI引擎換上大號渦輪,並施以ECU程式改寫,創造出400hp/51.02kgm動力輸出,因此About Us PrimeTime Timing is a full service sports technology company providing customized solutions to active-sport events. Founded in 2003, PrimeTime began with the goal of applying the latest in sports technology to all levels of events....


Register a .US.COM domain today!● 碳纖維車體及空力套件● 5.0升V8機械增壓引擎可輸出575hp● 0~100 km/h加速3.8秒/極速300 km/h● 國外售價 13.5萬英鎊● 國外上市日期 2015/Q3 英國豪華大廠Jaguar為Goodwood帶來準量產的F-Type Project 7,先前出現的概念車已然做了WHY USE A .US.COM WEB ADDRESS? Availability - Get the names you really want! Over 98% of names still available (compared to .com) Reliability - Track record of 100% availability over the past fifteen years Worldwide Recognition - .US.COM names include ......


NIST: A Walk Through Time - National Institute of Standards and Technology●雙引擎技術導入●T8引擎具有400hp/65.2kgm最大動力●極低的60g/km碳排放量●國外上市日期 預計2014/10 五月時Volvo公佈了新世代XC90的內裝照與資訊,七月原廠則再公佈所搭載的動力規格;就像剝洋蔥般吊盡所有人胃口,這雖然是產品操作的慣用手法,但如果下一次依舊不公布新世代XA Walk Through Time table of contents ... The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Privacy Policy / Security Notice / Accessibility Statement / Disclaimer / Freedom of Information Act (FOIA...


It’s time for Obama to make a choice: Lead us or resign | New York Post車款重點:● 更為霸氣的車頭及輪圈● 歐洲版新加入2.0升TDCi柴油引擎● 懸吊系統重新優化● 國外售價 NA● 國外上市日期 2014/Q3 別以為Goodwood只專屬那些大部份人都買不起的豪華跑車。國內車迷相當期待的2015年式小改款Ford Focus ST,也在Fos中正式登場了。第一眼In any time and place, war is fiendishly simple. It is the ultimate zero-sum contest — you win or you lose. That eternal truth is so obvious that it should not need to be said. Yet even after the horrific slaughter in Paris, there remains a distressing do...
