A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future: Daniel H. Pink: 9781594481710: Amazon.com 近日,鬧得香港滿城風雨的“廁所野戰女星”林芊妤出面接受港媒訪問,聲淚俱下講述事發當時的狀況,並強調自己沒有在廁所內發生性行為。此前,林芊妤被曝與31歲上市公司董事林知譽,在傷殘人士專用廁所肉搏半小時,事件發生之後,林芊妤遭TVB高層樂易玲樂小姐處分,立即被炒。 &ldquoDaniel H. Pink is the author of five provocative books about the changing world of work -- including the long-running New York Times bestsellers, A Whole New Mind and Drive. His books have been translated into 34 languages and have sold more than 2 millio...