盡情哭吧!面紙枕頭 XDDDDD (點圖看大圖喔)
Landing Leathers Men's Navy G-1 Leather Flight Bomber Jacket at Amazon Men’s Clothing store: Leather這個來自德國的枕頭實在很不錯用,名為「Cushion ThenCry orange」,就是枕頭裡多放了可隨時抽取的面紙,讓失戀傷心的小女生可以窩在枕頭邊盡情流淚時,躺著就可抓起面紙擦拭傷心淚....。除了邊哭邊睡的傷心人之外,個人覺得感冒留鼻涕的人更是方便。睡覺因為需要平躺,這時鼻涕倒流的問題往往是This jacket is so worth the price! The quality is there. - It costs 3 - 4 times as much on other websites. I have an A2 (Army Air Corp) and always wanted the G1. This is very nice G1 WW2 Navy style (even has the USN perforated on the windblocker) pilot's ...