a500 root tools

Forum TegraOwners • View topic - [TOOL] A500 Manager - Utility Suite for A500也差太多了吧............... Yeah it's because I dropped the head / tail down in case it moved its location in the dmesg string. For example mine starts with 6M, yours :6M. Unless you're any good with sed regex? That would be the most foolproof way of doing it. Otherwise I'm basicall...


How To Root Acer Iconia A500 Honeycomb Tablet 圖片來自:nlab.itmedia.co.jp キタ━━━━(゚∀゚ )━━━━ッ!!有沒有一種「終於!」的感覺呢?雖然繼雙馬尾協會後,跟著出現了許多不同髮型的協會,但似乎還是抵不過雙馬尾的魅力。而大家等待許久的寫真集終於出版啦!!!!!(鼓掌)這本「晴れのちツインテール キュンの導We have confirmation that the Acer Iconia Honeycomb tablet has been rooted! The 1Ghz dual core powerhouse has only been released since a few days and we already have root access thanks to XDA-Developers forum members monki-magic and Chainfire. We ......


How To Root An Acer Iconia A500 | Iconia A500 | XDA Forum原來騙人布也蠻厲害的...!!! Good Evening from the uk earlier on today a bunch of devs managed to actually root this tablet using a modified version of gingerbreak below is the walkth… ... -vpa (31st May 2011), 3c (21st May 2011), amazingd (12th June 2011), AndroidGraphix (27th Augus...
