Audi A6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia你是一說到運動就忍不住要哀嚎、恨不得裝死的人嗎?嘖嘖,這樣可不行喔,看看我們今天的女主角霈宜,就知道運動不僅能幫你維持體態,還能紓解壓力,擁有陽光般的笑容和滿滿的元氣!(以下桃紅色文字為霈宜的回答) 【圖/周霈宜授權】 1.姓名:周霈宜 2.綽號:現在沒有在用綽號了 3.生日:&nbsThe Audi A6 is an executive car made by the German automaker Audi AG, now in its fourth generation. As the successor to the Audi 100, the A6 is manufactured in Neckarsulm, Germany – and is available in saloon and wagon configurations, the latter marketed ...