a55 vs a85 chipset performance difference 兩個人還甜蜜蜜的時候,當然一定會追蹤對方臉書,然後互相留言曬恩愛,我甚至有很多朋友都是情侶共用一個帳號哩!分不開到這種程度了。如果你們是天造地設的一對,恭喜你們。如果你們不是命中注定的人,有一天分手了,臉書該怎麼快速冷靜地處理好呢?一起來看看分手後的臉書快速處理法,只要照著做就對了。 i want to ask you will there be some performance difference between a55 and a85 chipset (in benchmarks and games) except usb3 and sata3. ... a55 < a75 < a85 No performance increase, but as mentioned raid 5 is only possible on a85. A85 also allows lucidlog...