Sony A77 M2 DSLR Review: Fast Shooter Great for Low LightImages Source: encrypted 、 encrypted 分手後還能當朋友嗎? 與戀人相愛時,看什麼都順眼,但兩人在走不下去、無法相守一輩子,最後選擇分手一途,無論中間有過傷心地過程,難免會不捨、難過,曾經失戀過Verdict : Sony's Alpha 77 Mark 2 DSLR is a solid, fast-shooting camera that can do it all, but it especially shines in low-light settings. A variation on the conventional DSLR, Sony's Alpha 77 M2 camera is an upgrade of its popular Alpha 77 SLT (single-le...