羽絨外套反攻上路 羽絨外套跟臃腫體型說掰掰
Sony A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount - YouTube有人說羽絨外套是個災難,蓬鬆的羽毛裹著身體,體型瞬間擴大三倍,看來臃腫又無趣,但現在,羽絨外套除了各種華麗保暖標語,更多了與多時尚的用色與剪裁,讓我們欣賞打破災難羽絨外套的街拍,畢竟,在這忽冷忽熱的詭異天氣了,羽絨外套還是個隨時待命的必備單品! 磚紅色羽絨外套,用棒球外套來把蓬鬆厚重的羽絨合理化! Disclaimer: I work for Sony but am not a representative of the company A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount The A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount is finally here and I had a good amount of time to tes...