a8 tsmc samsung

iPhone6 拆機證實:台積電擠走三星代工A8晶片 - Inside 網摘 【FILA TAIWAN WEBSITE】 【FILA FACEBOOK】 #content_right{display:none;}#content_left #article_view .content,#content_left{width:100%;}#content_left #arti三星電子一直是蘋果自家處理器的代工廠商,不過由於兩家眾所周知的“敵對關係”,蘋果一直在尋找其他晶片代工廠商。日前,iPhone6 手機的晶片拆解結果證實,全球最大的晶圓代工廠商——台灣的台積電,代工A8晶片,三星電子被蘋果拋棄。...


台積電將代工60%至70%的蘋果A8晶片 | TechNews 科技新報 CLOT x PEANUTS  首次聯名系列 共同回味兒時記憶 香港品牌 CLOT 慶祝10週年之際,首度攜手全球知名卡通漫畫 PEANUTS 推出聯名系列。為求觸及更廣大的消費群,系列特別增強單品的多元性及趣味性;同時,CLOT 也邀請香港知名設計師 Johanna Ho,以據朝鮮日報消息,蘋果下世代iPhone的晶片仍將由三星代工,不過三星代工的佔比將大幅下降,台積電就成為蘋果最大的晶片代工商,60%-70%的A8處理器將交由台積電生產。...


Chipworks Teardown confirms Apple using TSMC for 20nm A8 chip in iPhone 6, not Samsung | 9to5Mac 有些戀愛開始了,但卻不是因為愛。在愛情的名義下,藏著的撲朔迷離的隱情。可能是物質上的誘惑,可能是難以管束的虛榮心,或者忍受不了孤獨的滋味、慾望的煎熬。這些光芒,有時比愛情本身更具誘惑力。以下六種戀愛誘惑,女人要遠離。記得給自己的感情一片淨土,記得給愛情找一個正當的出口。   1.愛他的財The second-generation 64-bit chip powering the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus that Apple calls the A8 is confirmed by Chipworks to have been fabricated by TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) as we told you The Wall Street Journal reported in Jul...


TSMC confirmed as manufacturer of Apple's 20nm A8 processor 一、不要去欺騙你的愛人。記得,若你沒有騙他一輩子的把握,那麼便對他說實話。當謊言一再被揭穿的時候,有可能一切都結束了。 二、不要覺得不了解也會有愛情。在不了解的時候,我們僅僅是喜歡,達不到愛情。當彼此的缺點暴露出來以後,很多時候這喜歡也就會結束了。愛是寬容,愛著彼此的一切。愛上不了解的人,或許,你According to a report on Friday, Apple's latest 64-bit A8 system-on-a-chip, currently powering the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, is built by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., not longtime partner Samsung. Less than a day after Apple's latest iPhones made the...


Qualcomm to trust Samsung with Snapdragon 820 production, jumps the TSMC ship 2014 秋冬, ROXY 散發著歷久彌新的 VINTAGE 復古風情,以靛藍布料、蠟染風格印花、刺繡及水洗刷舊等手法,揉合時而飽和時而灰濁的色調,在復古運動與不拘一格的隨性浪漫風情中取得平衡。 QUIKSILVER 男裝則以專業機能與生活風格為二大主軸,分別強調功能性單品與回歸 QUIKSILVSamsung has won back the trust of Apple with its shovel-ready 14nm FinFET production process, and now Qualcomm might be folding its tents over at TSMC, and moving over to the Samsung camping grounds, too. The TSMC foundry's 16nm wafers production was ......


Report: TSMC To Remain Primary A9 Supplier For Apple, Samsung Used As Backup  最近有國外網友整理出人生最想讓時間停留的9大時刻,看看您符合了哪幾項! 1.考試前一天晚上,臨時抱佛腳。 2.與家人親戚共享天倫之樂。 3.和親密愛人纏綿的甜蜜時光。 4.悠閒的週末下午,拋開一切工作。 5.泡在舒服的浴缸或溫泉裏頭。 6.獨自陷入音樂的世界中。 7.男人準備入伍時..From the early reports we've seen so far this year, it looked like Samsung would get to make Apple's A9 chips on 14nm FinFET because of a slight lead in production and possibly some slight advantages over TSMC's 16 nm FinFET process, as well. However, a n...
