A828 road - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,最近一隻小柴犬又在網上火了起來。 照片里的這隻狗狗名叫Berry,今年7歲了,來自日本,Berry曾經在一個藍莓農場擔任一枚看門狗,這也是它的名字的由來。 Berry性格溫和,活潑可愛。是一隻愛笑的狗狗。 而它的主人呢,也The A828 road is a primary route along the western coast of Scotland At its northern end the A828 meets the A82 at South Ballachulish and it runs to a junction with the A85 at Connel; the total length being some 26 miles (42 km). It passes through Highlan...