A830 road - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 爸媽曾經很酷, 只是時光讓他們收斂。 幾十年前的爸媽照 生活在信息、科技、時尚 急速發展的年代, 相信不少娃都把自己當作時代的寵兒, 以為自己「站得高,看得遠」, 走在世界的最前沿, 認為「過去太落後、太野蠻,不值一提。」 &nbThe A830, sometimes known as the Road to the Isles (although in reality it forms only a part of that historic route), is a road in Lochaber, in the Highlands of Scotland, which connects the town of Fort William to the port of Mallaig...