售價888萬元起 豪華性能轎跑BMW M8 Coupe M8 Gran Coupe上市!
4A's | American Association of Advertising AgenciesBMW第一代8系列(底盤代號E31)在1989年首次於法蘭克福國際車展亮相,這台BMW首部豪華雙門性能轎跑以低風阻、V12引擎與高科技配備等特色成為當時的旗艦車款。睽違20年後,BMW延續對頂級工藝的堅持,於2018年起陸續發表全新BMW 8系列 Coupe, Gran Coupe以及ConvertNational trade association founded in 1917 that represents the industry in the United States. Site offers a database for advertisers to search for a new agency; member profiles and links to their sites; legislative issues; career, award and event informat...