aac mp3 320k

行動影音 - 高音質的選擇到底是AAC 256kbps還是MP3 320kbps阿 - 影音討論區 - Mobile01原來是降 acewayne wrote: 在網路上有找過壓縮音...(恕刪) 看到這張圖 原來320Kbps能做到22Khz頻寬 CD音質不過也就22Khz這樣(44K取樣率一半即為頻帶上限) 這樣看320k在高頻似乎並沒被截斷 差異可能只在別處...


音樂下載 - 百視聽|高品質音樂下載紫色的膠倒是沒見過....@@ 高音質音樂、mp3、AAC、iTunes Plus AAC M4A、APE、WAV、FLAC的下載分享 ... 唱片版權歸發行公司所有,本資源僅供交流分享,請于下載後24小時內刪除。請勿用於商業用途,一切商業形式的下載與發佈者無關,如有糾紛本人不承擔任何法律責任。...


MP3 vs AAC vs FLAC vs CD Page 2 | Stereophile.com超詳盡.... This is an interesting article, and the tests are worthy of consideration, but we have to consider why someone would use MP3 or AAC over FLAC or raw PCM to store their music. Certainly, many users have space constraints, but they still want to listen to t...


AAC can't compete with Wav or MP3 in sound quality | Mike Vee哈哈....也太可愛了~~~ Sure. The reason the files are smaller is because they are even more compressed than MP3’s. Why would you pay $1.39 for an AAC file that’s watermarked with your personal info while you can get a 256kbps MP3 file from Amazon for 89 cents? This is what ......


發燒天碟高品質MP3/AAC/OGG專區捌零音樂論壇珍惜這一刻...兒子 捌零音樂論壇/高品質大區綜合版規 [2014年10月22日] 《高品質MP3發佈組招募處》—— 群號:397652569(歡迎會員們踴躍參與) 主題標題格式:演唱者+《專輯名稱》+(CD數)註:單碟不寫+[碼率/音頻格式/存儲空間] 【註:英文大寫】...
