[F1專題] 銀箭連續全勝紀錄終止車手內戰拉鋸開始明朗 ?
Language Fun - Have all the fun while you may!Mercedes開季連續包辦1-2全勝的紀錄,終於在五站之後終止了,但是攻勢並未停止:他們仍未讓出任何一站的勝場,到截稿前已是開季七連勝,而在這七勝之中,衛冕冠軍Hamilton就佔了五勝。 儘管任何紀錄都有終止的一天,但從Mercedes開季以來的氣勢來看,這個紀錄似乎終止得早了點(對手們當然okenglish.tw is a place for people to share language experiences and have fun. Currently there are foums devoted to English discussions, an English chatroom system, a blog and a photo gallery. You can ask and answer questions in the different forums. Have...