Toyota X回歸Corolla Altis車系!新增X經典 X經典Safety+車型
Language Fun - Have all the fun while you may! 和泰汽車在2015年3月推出了搭載空力套件與強化內裝運動氣息的Toyota X版本,同時規劃出尊爵、豪華及經典等三款不同配備等級車型。不過在今日,則對外宣佈Toyota X車系將重新調整規劃整併至Corolla Altis車系中,使車系銷售車款達到7個等級車型,也就是說在原Corolla is a place for people to share language experiences and have fun. Currently there are foums devoted to English discussions, an English chatroom system, a blog and a photo gallery. You can ask and answer questions in the different forums. Have...