Top 10 Most Popular Torrent Sites of 2013 | TorrentFreak 圖片來源 最近好像特別流行霸氣大男人 那種霸道貌似會把女人給融化 所以什麼壁咚之類的字眼最近特別紅 我想大概就是這個原因 而網友就在dcard上面PO出他男友的行為 總結10大霸道硬要 ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 更新.男友的十大硬要(無西斯) 更新 我知道8個月可能對很多人來說 不算Which torrent sites get the most visitors at the start of 2013? Update: Top 2014 Torrent sites Traditionally BitTorrent users are very loyal, which is reflected in the top 10 where most sites have had a consistent listing for more than half a decade. This...