ACB Bank 不得不說修圖神人為大家製造了許多樂趣,一位網友將老奶奶的照片分享在 Reddit上,沒想到 PS 功力強大的網友將照片改成各種有趣的翻版,讓老奶奶遮蓋其他畫面。這張照片中的奶奶原先是要將電視中的火辣女子蓋起來,不讓家裡小孩看到,以免有不好的影響,但網友的NOTICE: ACB is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information, or graphics of the web sites that have links here. The portal and news features are being provided by an outside source. The bank is not responsible for t...