Acer Aspire One 752(AO752) Windows 7 Drivers | Laptop Software 你家的奶奶78歲時,可能會熱衷於清晨逛最新鮮的菜市場,傍晚去跳廣場舞,打麻將。過年了你回家,奶奶可能會追問你談沒談對象,咋還不結婚呢…… 別人家的奶奶78歲時,圓了自己年輕時的夢,趁着退休大把閒暇時間,開着輛古董皮卡車,來了一場說Acer Aspire One 752(AO752) Windows 7 Drivers The Acer Aspire One 752 features an 11.6 inch LCD display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, processing comes from a 1.3GHz Intel Celeron ULV743 processor and graphics is provided by an Intel GMA ......