Acer aspire 3620 drivers for win 7 - Drivers - Windows 7 話說,在巴西攝影圈裡,有這麼一號人物.... 他名叫Eduardo Martins,是全球知名的戰地攝影師, 長期給BBC、華爾街日報、Vice、半島電視台等主流媒體供稿。 他冒着炮火,勇敢地衝到敘利亞、伊拉克、巴勒斯坦戰區的第Hello, i have an acer aspire 3620 laptop and recently i have installed windows 7 instead of XP. The problem is that after the installation i have no sound, bluetooth and wi fi.At the site if acer there are only drivers for XP and not for 7. I have also sp...