Acer Aspire One - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia文 / 小Mic這是大陸北京網友大樂子,去年1/1~1/8台灣七天八夜的環島日記,她將台灣的文化內涵、人文風光、美食、趣事以及人情味,全都用繪畫的方式表現出來,畫風相當生動細膩,讓人看了感到格外親切及有趣。※以下圖文皆徵得原作同意刊載※以上圖文皆徵得原作同意刊載歡迎到原作大樂子的博客參觀留言:&nbAcer Aspire One is a diverse line of netbooks released in July 2008 by Acer Inc.[3] Many characteristics of a particular model of Acer Aspire One are dictated by the CPU platform chosen. Initial models were based on the Intel Atoms. Later, models with var...