Acer Aspire One D257 Netbook Driver for Windows XP某日,歷史老師在談論清朝歷史,發現有個學生正在睡覺。 老師便把他叫醒問他:「清廷最大的敵人是什麼?」 學生睡眼惺忪的回答:「青蛙!」 月底,水荒正鬧得嚴重時,某日下午忽然下起傾盆大雨, 阿力和同學正走在台北路上。突然,有三、四輛消防車呼嘯而過。 同學:「雨下那麼大,怎麼可能有火災?消防車出3 Responses to “Acer Aspire One D257 Netbook Driver for Windows XP” Floripa said: July 3rd, 2012 at 12:35 am My netbook is an “Acer Aspire One D257-1879″ – My question is if the drivers above will work using Windows XP. Floripa said: July 30th, 2012 at 7:...