Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook review - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features爸爸看見小明做錯了事,不禁火冒三丈的想揍他一頓。 媽媽求情說:「這次就饒了他吧!下次再懲罰他也不遲啊!」 爸爸反問:「你說的倒簡單,若是下次他不再犯了呢?」 有一天,書店裡來了一位顧客問店員:「我想買本書,可是我希望裡面沒有仇殺、 沒有愛情、沒有懸疑、沒有千萬富翁,也沒有美女、As for connectivity, we tested Acer's 2.5-second claim by turning off WiFi and then timing how long the computer took to reconnect once we flipped the radio back on. Indeed, two Mississippis passed, though the scenario we created is, admittedly, an unreal...