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Acer Crystal Eye Webcam 7.96.701 - 下載 好傳神啊~Acer Crystal Eye Webcam, 免費下載. Acer Crystal Eye Webcam 7.96.701: 內置於筆記本電腦從宏碁水晶眼攝像頭的驅動程式。有不同的驅動程式為 Windows XP、 Vista 和 Windows 7。選擇您的特定的筆記本型號和下載頁面上的 Windows 版本。...


acer crystal eye webcam - Webcams - Windows Vista 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDWindows Vista > acer crystal eye webcam > acer crystal eye webcam Tags: Webcams Acer Crystal Windows Vista Last response: March 25, 2013 12:33 PM in Windows Vista Share MARCOS 2013 March 21, 2013 6:01:28 PM wher do i find the cin19 ......


Acer Crystal Eye Webcam For Windows 7 - Laptop DriverAcer Crystal Eye webcam 7.96.701 Originally vista reported work in 7 using compatibility mode install. ... i used acer aspire 4920 with windows 7,but after i installed acer crystal web cam it still appear " camera was not found " can you help me to overco...


Acer Aspire 5720g webcam 驅動程式 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+誰敢靠近...就殺了你!!!     準!看你變成有錢人的指數?我筆電內建的Acer Crystal Eye Webcam莫名其妙不能使用了!!點桌面的捷徑都沒有用~~~能幫我找到Acer Aspire 5720g 這台筆電 ... XP OR VISTA??? 基本上ACER的電腦都有內建RECOVERY,其中會有一個叫做重新安裝驅動程式及應用程式的選項,請使用 並 ......


APPCRASH : Acer Crystal Eye webcam.exe=  =       準!看你變成有錢人的指數?I bought an Acer 5520G about 3 months ago preloaded with Vista. It has a built in webcam which works in IM software but the program for it (Acer Crystal Eye webcam.exe) won't load anymore. It did for the first week or so but now, of coarse the APPCRASH......
