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Liquid E700 | Smartphones - The power of more | Acer 台上一分鐘台下十年功,舞台上的炫麗人生,彷彿另一個故事,謝幕後的演員們,也是回歸一般人的生活,攝影師 Sean Scheidt 的作品 "Burlesque",正是以此為主題,拍攝舞台前後的演員,真實以及虛幻的兩面,而攝影師也發現到,這些演員們穿上戲服後舉手投足就代表著劇中角色,與普通人時候所拍攝Liquid E700 The power of more From the outset, the Acer Liquid E700 was designed to offer more — more screen real estate, more battery life, more comfort and more connectivity. Equipped with a generous 5" screen and high-capacity battery, the Liquid E700 ...