Acer GR235H is a New 23-inch Passive 3D LCD Monitor - 3D Vision Blog編輯以為上公共廁所的時候,沒有比遇到「四腳獸」更尷尬的情況;但事實上,誇張的情形不僅於此,比起看到四腳獸還有更扯的!如果你一打開廁所,迎面而來的是「三雙」腿的情況(正確的來說,是兩雙腿和一隻腳…)到底該如何是好呢? 而另一個重點是,四腳獸大家都還能理解,五隻腳在廁所到底在幹嘛?ImguAcer is one of the most active maker of 3D-capable computer monitors and they just announced another 3D model, this time it is a more affordable 23-inch Full HD display using passive polarizing filter or FPR (Film-patterned Retarder) technology and passiv...