Acer Liquid Gallant Duo (E350) 4.1 update - Acer Community 女生要跟有女友的男生當朋友也要懂得拿捏分寸啊! 也不想想要是你男友跟其他女生搞曖昧聊這種尺度的對話你心裡會舒服嗎? 男生自己也很有問題,也不想想現在的女友到底是誰跟其他女生聊天難道分寸不會拿捏嗎?有些玩笑能開!有些不能開!!真心覺得女生就單純把男生當工具人在用而已 -------------DcaCheck out our latest addition to Acer Community. Within many of our Product forums you will now find direct access to our most popular Acer Service Videos for your convenience. Check it out and leave your feedback in the Suggestion Forum....