深夜偷襲熟睡中的姊姊 以為人生大滿足 結果...我看到史上最恐怖的畫面!
Acer R7-572 SSD or mSata - Acer Community也許看到前面你們還會覺得這個弟弟實在是太幸運了!!佔了人生中的大便宜欸~~~但是...小妹看完整篇文章後的10分鐘裡,心一直快速跳動著...真的是被嚇出一身冷汗...因為實在是太有畫面感了!!!看得我直呼雅蠛蝶!救命!!!...(這位弟弟也是碼了太多的字,小妹也不得不翻譯下來QAQ...你們也要看到Hi, I'm actively thinking of purchasing a R7-572. But does it have a mSata ssd slot? I saw one French ecommerce website that seems to say to, a... ... I have received my R7-572 in the meantime, and I can confirm: Despite what Acer's technical support told...