Acer Aspire S7-392 Ultrabook™ - Acer | explore beyond limits 話說,在國外有一個超級有愛的活動叫 Take Your Dog to Work Day(帶你家狗子上班日)。每年在這一天,國外很多公司的僱主都默許狗主人們把自己的寵物帶到單位,陪伴他們一起工作。 這個節日最早起源於英國,在1996年的時候英國人就進行了類似的嘗試。到了1Prev Next Quick and clear Always ready Up to date 2 0 1 Play InstantGo With InstantGo, your Windows for Aspire S7-392 is responsive and always ready. It wakes up the moment you need it, with your apps and data already up-to-date. Acer Purified.Voice The ....