Review Acer Aspire 4820TG Timeline X Notebook - NotebookCheck.net Reviews我有生以來最糗的一件事,是在一對夫妻的床底下,躲了半個晚上。除了偶爾放了一個屁之外,大氣沒敢出一聲。 那一天晚上喝高了,回家走錯了門。到了我家旁邊的一幢樓房,進了同一樓層同一單元的別人家門。說來也巧,那家的門沒關上,半掩著。我就徑直進了房,鞋也沒脫,直奔睡房。通地一聲,就倒在床上。 剛想睡,就聽門外That significant eXtra. Acers new 14 inch high-class performer is here: the Aspire Timeline X 4820TG-434G64Mn promises to deliver decent performance thanks to the installed Core i5 and the mobile Radeon HD 5650 graphics chip. On top of that, Acer assures ...