acer timeline x 4820

Acer Aspire TimelineX 4820 Specifications ~ Laptop Specs太帥氣了~!!! Acer Aspire TimelineX 4820 Specifications Display Diagonal Size : 14.0” Max Resolution : 1366 x 768, 16:9 aspect ratio Technology : Acer® CineCrystal, TFT display, LED backlight, mercury-free Brightness : 200-nit Color : up to 16.7 million colors Graphics...


Review Acer Aspire 3820TG Timeline X Notebook - Reviews這也太笨了.... Balancing Artist The latest version of the successful Aspire Timeline Series has a basically revised interior and particularly wants to score with customers through more ... At the moment, Acer has three different Aspire 3820 Timeline X configurations ava...


Acer TimelineX Aspire 4820TG:超輕薄i5筆電降臨 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西原來現在阿姨...還有分男女 今年還沒開始,Intel就忙著更新Core i3、5、7的處理器,各系列筆電也一樣為自家的產品線做大幅度的調整,身為筆電大廠的Acer當然也更新了整個產品線的筆電,還記得去年受到不少好評的Timeline系列筆電,今年度Acer則是把Core i3、5套用到Timeline系列上 ......
